Sunday, February 24, 2008

Hamika Has Many Skills

Hannah and Mia doing Papa's hair. Nice job girls! He looks soooo handsome!

Thanks Kayla for doing the laundary. It helps Mom out so much! While Kayla folds, she also tries on everyone's clothes. Looking good girl!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Snow Days...having FUN inside.

Hamika learns how to sweep like the natives...and find moments to slack like her ancestors.

Hah, I found you! Hami(where's ka) and friends...sitting down on the job.

...when Daddy refuses to pay $400 a month for heat. Huddle up girls. (notice the jackets and hats on the wrong kids...they thought it was soooo funny)

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Hamika's third self: the princess

We had a poke-a-dot Party!!!

It was snowy day but we all had a lot of fun!

Celebrating the third life of Hamika

Happy first birthday KAyla!
JanuARy 24, 2008