Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Birthday Bikes

We bought Hannah and Mia bike for their birthdays. Hannah has a purple bike with flowers. Mia has a princess bike. They love riding their bikes and Kayla like riding in her stroller.

Open House

Hannah is having a wonderful time at school. She loves her teacher Mrs. Roukey. We went to her open house and had a great time checking out her classroom and school. Mia and Kayla loved seeing where there sister goes all day. We are very proud of Hannah.

Hannah's self-portrait


Our Gardens

Our Tiny Watermelon

Look at the height of those tomato plants.

Plants in a buckets - a great way to grow lettuce and peppers.

My flowers - soo pretty.

Herbs to the left and our strawberry plants to the right.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mia's First Day at Pre-school

Hannah's 1st Day of Kindergarten

First Day of School

September 8th 2008
Hannah and Mia's First Day of School

Monday, September 8, 2008

How Tall is Hamika?

Almost 3 feet

Pretty close to 4 feet

Almost 7 feet....wait a minute..

a little over 3 feet.

Santa's Village

Rock N' Roll Hamika

Ausgust Fun!

Rock Star Hannah

Rock Star Mia (She loves her new pocket book.)

Cool Girls

Soooo Fancy.

Sarah sitting on Hannah's lap

Messy Kayla

Three Cutie Pies

Good Night (Yeah Right)

Luau Birthday Party

Hannah and Mia had a Luau Birthday Party. Hannah turned 5 in July and Mia turned 4 in August. They were both surprised and thrilled to see Aunt Patsy, Aunt Grace, and Thaddeus from New York. They enjoyed spending time with there family and friends.