Saturday, August 14, 2010

Mia's Graduation from Kindergarten

We are so proud of Mia for having a successful Kindergarten year.  She is a wonderful reader and writer.  It is hard to spot Mia but just look for the big pink flower headband she is wearing so cute!

Mia with Mrs. Shea

Hannah First Grade Celebration

Hannah had a wonderful First grade year.  She loved her teacher, Mrs. Cicerelli, and her class.  Hannah has mastered the clock and has done an excellent job with math and reading. 
We are so proud of you Hannah!

Tall Ships - Portsmouth, NH

Veteran Day at Northwest

Hannah and Mia invited their Grandfathers, who are both veterans, to their school's Veteran Day Celebration.  It was a wonderful celebration! Both Grandpa and Papa had a great time. 

Lets Go Fly A Kite

Auntie Katie flew in from CA and brought gifts...Bubbles and a kite! 

Hannah (6 years old)

Hannah's front two front teeth came out in May!!! 
 Hannah also has a palette expander and her teeth are coming in so nice.