Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Tree Celebration

We have all been sick with a terrible cold. When Kayla is sick she has asthma so we have been giving her nebulizer treatments. This past Thursday she started to go down hill quick with her breathing so instead of waiting to see the doctor at 8 o'clock Joe took Kayla to the ER. The result was that she had 80 breaths per minute when it is normal to have between 20 to 30. Her heart rate was also elevated. She had a double ear infection and a high temperature. (She is such an easy and happy baby that she does not give us any signs.) After another breathing treatment her breaths were down to 60 but it was still too high so Joe stayed with Kayla overnight at the hos ital. It was really scary however by the morning she was breathing 40 breaths per minute which was a lot better and she came home. We are watching her closely and she is on some medications. To celebrate Kayla coming home from the hospital we put up our Christmas tree on Friday! We are counting our many blessings!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dearest Heather and Joe, You have been richly blessed by God and your children are your true wealth on this earth! The pictures of the girls are wonderful and Kayla is especially adorable! Love, Garmi